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Why Blog With Us?

15 July 2020

Why Blog With Us?


Why blog with us?

Every time I look on social media I see it: the designer with an axe to grind, a bug to bear and a shoulder with a chip.

This industry is far from perfect, and these imperfections come in the most wild and curious forms: ever-infuriating and always fascinating. They happen because somewhere along the line an aspect of our job unknown to the decision-makers has been overlooked.

That’s why we want you to write. We want these observations, these axe-cut, bug-shaped chips to sit permanently on a page, with a title so truthful that two things can happen:

  1. That designers who haven’t reached your part of the industry yet can learn where to be careful and what to ask for.
  2. The heat off these words to travel under the nose of the people who might need to learn and think about that transport budget line, parental requirement or materials expense and do something to help.

So, who can write for us?

Anyone! Designer, Production Manager, Prop Maker, Stage Manager, Costume Supervisor / Maker, Dresser, Builder, Actor, Producer, Artistic Director, etc. All are welcome!

How experienced do I need to be to write?

It doesn’t matter if you started training yesterday or you’re enjoying retirement. If you’re in the industry, have worked or volunteered on a show, we’d love to hear your voice.

Do I need to have written anything before?

No! Dyslexic contributions are especially encouraged! We are a highly neurodiverse group. We have volunteer editors who can help you weed out the typos.

How long do the pieces have to be?

We have a lovely how-to blog guide but we say write to what you feel is best. Aim for 1000 words and if you land + or – 500 of that then you’re grand.

I don't want to write but I like proofing and editing, can I contribute?

Yes, absolutely. Team Blog is run entirely voluntarily by people who want to get the issues out there and we welcome anyone to contribute in any way they can. Grammar pendants especially.

Get writing! And e-mail us


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