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Short Courses

If you are not ready or able to commit to a degree course, there are a range of short courses available.

You may also want to continue to develop your skills throughout your career as a practitioner both within your discipline and to enhance your skills in running a freelance career.


Design a Play in five Days
This course is aimed at those who may wish to pursue further training in performance design, build their portfolios, or embark on a career in the field. It is a 5-day workshop, running from Monday 29th July to Friday 2nd August.
Further details about the course can be found on this page:
The course will be led by BOVTS tutors as well as visiting tutors, and is designed to be practical and hands-on.


Model-making Techniques with David Neat – now being offered online

David Neat is a professional maker with more than 35 years experience in theatre, film, 3D design, architecture and exhibitions. He is a practicing sculptor and qualified teacher; author of ‘Model-making: Materials and Methods’ a comprehensive, interdisciplinary book on model-making and, since 2012, his instructional WordPress site

David’s emphasis in these workshops is on accessible techniques of building, modelling/shaping, surfacing and finishing relevant to designers and makers in various disciplines. All is as live and as ‘actual’ as possible, with minimal recorded content. There is a focus on ‘realism’ in representation, geared more to theatre and film work, but the aim in keeping the course solidly materials-based is to provide just as much of relevance to model-making for other disciplines such as interior design. Each session will offer a wealth of information, supported by specially prepared examples and worksheets, and clarified through demonstrations and practical exercises.

Main areas covered include: –
methods of constructing or shaping with card, plastics and foams, for basic architecture and detailed scale furniture; modelling with soft materials and relief media; mouldmaking for casting; achieving various realistic surface/texture treatments and paint finishes.

Materials are sent in a ‘Course Pack’, including some specially made tools, but participants need their own basic equipment at home. Each will contribute their own varied knowledge and talent, making this a valuable opportunity to discuss and compare personal experience. Whether a beginner, or with more of a hobby interest, or a professional seeking more specific guidance…this unique course will help you on your way


Make A Scene – now offering online delivery as well as physical


Scenic Painters – now offering online delivery as well as physical

National Theatre

Theatre Works – A series of digitally delivered training courses

Federation of Entertainment Unions

Digital Learning for Creative Freelancers

If there are performance design related skills that you would like to learn and you can’t find a suitable course, do get in touch with us. It’s likely that you won’t be the only designer looking to develop those skills and we do consider programming our own short courses according to demand.