Dear SBTD members,
The Sustainable Design Group, the SBTD’s working group on sustainable design practice, has been busy planning theatre design-relevant carbon literacy training, developing ideas for sustainable materials, and planning an East Midlands-focused event for Staging Places, along with various other events and initiatives. There’s plenty to get involved with and all members are welcome at all events, whether members of the working group or not.
Please also let us know if you’d like to join the working group. You can drop us a line at to find out more. And you can read about how the group started here.
Upcoming Events
As part of SBTD’s events programme for Staging Places at the National Centre for Craft and Design, we’ll be hosting a session on sustainability with an East Midlands focus. As well as providing an update on the working group, we’ll focus on practitioners and resources in the region. This includes a talk from Amy Nicholson about her work with Handmade Theatre followed by a short workshop session.
Link to be announced soon
Our next Sustainable Scenes Studio. These are our monthly meetings, open to SBTD members and guests. As well as being a chance to hear from our subgroups and discuss and upcoming issues, each one has a particular focus: this one will look at sustainability and costume.
Meeting ID: 964 6926 1001 Passcode: 173834
Our first Sustainable Scenes Studio of 2021 will focus on materials. We’ll be hearing from the materials subgroup, looking at what materials and resources are available, and looking ahead to our plan to start obtaining and testing samples.
Meeting ID: 964 6926 1001 Passcode: 173834
Our first Sustainable Scenes Studio of 2021 will focus on materials. We’ll be hearing from the material group, looking at what material and resources are available and looking ahead to our plan to start obtaining and testing samples.
Meeting ID: 964 6926 1001 Passcode: 173834
Tbilisi Biennale
Carbon Literacy Training
- Designing course content
- Designing course materials (eg skilled on Microsoft Tasks/Powerpoint)
- Education/workshop leading
- Researching possible delivery platforms
- Focusing on a specific UK region
Since we started in February of last year, we’ve been working alongside Ecostage, the designer-led initiative to place ecological thinking at the heart of creative practice. Ecostage recently had a successful crowdfunding campaign and, though it still needs a bit more, it has now raised enough to be able to go ahead with its new website. You can find out more at is running a survey which will also provide really useful data for us in the SBTD Sustainable Design group. It’s very quick to do – no more than 5 mins – please fill it out: here’s the link.