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OISTAT News – November

News, 17 November 2021

OISTAT News – November


World Stage Design 2022 – Announcing the Shortlist

The shortlist of WSD 2022 Emerging section will be revealed online on November 16, 2021. Join us to be the first to know the full shortlist! Register now.
WSD 2022 Jury selected 99 entries out of 539 applications of the Professional section. Designers from 28 countries are included. See the full list of selected designers for the WSD 2022 Professional Exhibition.

Thank you for attending OISTAT World Congress

Thank you all for being with us in 2021 OISTAT Online World Congress! We look forward to meeting you virtually / in person in the near future. Read the letter from our new President – Aby Cohen.

Welcoming New OISTAT President
and Executive Committee Members

On October 10, OISTAT World Congress had elected the new President and the new Executive Committee members.

New OISTAT President:
Aby Cohen (Brazil)

New Executive Committee members:
Mia David (Serbia), EC Member
Laura van Haperen (The Netherlands), EC Member
Sofia Pantouvaki (Greece), EC Member
Jan K. Rolnik (Czech Republic), Treasurer
Hazem Shebl (Egypt), Vice President
April Viczko (Canada), Secretary
Samuel, Shih-Hsing Wang (Taiwan), Vice President

Theatre Architecture Competition 2022
The TAC is an international ideas competition, aiming at students and emerging practitioners. The challenge of TAC 2022 is to design an adaptable outdoor performance space for a beautiful site at Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity. Selected entries will be exhibited during WSD. Entries can be submitted between November 30, 2021, and April 30, 2022. More info.
Open Calls
Call for TIP 2022 submissions, deadline November 30, 2021.
Call for PQ 2023: Exhibition of Countries and Regions, Student Exhibition, deadline November 30, 2021.
Call for scenic designs for aWAKEn, deadline March 22, 2022.


Free online webinar: Performing Arts,Tourism
and the Experience Economy: The Untapped Potential
The experiential economy has set the stage for live performances to become sought-after activities amongst visitors to destinations. What particular tourism trends should be on the performing arts sector’s radar? What strategic partnerships should be envisioned? Hosted and presented by CAPACOA, this online webinar will be held on November 18, 2021. More info.
Scenographic City:
Using Scenography to Understand Urban Experience
Contemporary scenography is no longer confined to theatre stages, for instance, it is now being used to interrogate and transform urban space. How scenographic techniques can facilitate the transformation of the urban? What kind of urban experience can be revealed by distinctively scenographic perspectives? Join this online event for free on December 3. More info.

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