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Designers Fees in Theatre Survey

News, 29 September 2021

Designers Fees in Theatre Survey


Equity, the Society of British Theatre Designers and the Association for Lighting Production and Design have worked together to create this survey on designer fees.

We’re asking you to tell us about what fees you’ve been offered (and what you ultimately earned) on jobs you’ve done in theatre since March 2018 as first step in our joint work on improving fees for designers across the theatre industry.

Please provide as much information as you can, about as many jobs or offers as you are able to do so – the more evidence & examples we have, the better.

Please include examples from across the theatre industry – West End, Commercial, subsidised, fringe, the independent sector and beyond – and from all over the UK. Where we have asked for dates, these can be approximate.

You can complete this survey multiple times. Once you’ve provided information about one job, click ‘done’ and you will be returned to the top of the page to submit details about further jobs. When you’re ready to exit the survey, click ‘done’ for a final time and then close the browser tab.

The information you share here will be held and processed by Equity and shared confidentially with the ALPD and SBTD.

You will not be identifiable by managers or producers in the survey results and all information you provide us with will be anonymised in the write-up of these results. This means that any specific examples you share will be referred to as, for example, ‘a designer working in a subsidised theatre in Spring 2019’ rather than by naming the producer you were working for, the dates of your engagement or the name of your show.

At no point will you be required to give your name or contact information if you do not want to do, and you can view a copy of Equity’s privacy policy here.

If you have any queries you can contact Equity’s Theatre Official Charlotte Bence on

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