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Fiona Watt

SBTD Designer

Fiona Watt




Fiona trained with the Motley Theatre Design Course, London.

She is a freelance scenographer who enjoys exploring the relationship between existing architecture and the performance space, unlocking the hidden dynamics within traditional and non-traditional theatre spaces to find the strongest points of exchange between performer and audience.

Since 2011 Fiona has been involved in programming and running international projects as part of the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space and World Stage Design.

She is currently Project Curator for Staging Places : UK Design for Performance 2016 – 2019 at the V&A, London which runs 23rd July 2019 – 29th March 2020, following representing the UK at the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space 2019.

Fiona is Honorary Secretary of the Society of British Theatre Designers and UK Performance Design Commissioner for OISTAT (International Association of Scenographers Theatre Architects and Technicians).

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