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CAD Chat?

29 October 2020

CAD Chat?


CAD Chat?

by Katie Scott


It’s about time we all got together and had a chat about CAD, right? Do we love it? Do we hate it? Do we need it? Do I need a mortgage for it?

In many ways, the answer is yes to all of the above (apart from the mortgage). CAD software has become more and more popular over the last few years. It is a really useful tool in your design arsenal. Understandably, for many, it’s a lot to take in after years of honing a slick process that works for you… Likewise, it can be another thing to try and squeeze into your design backpack as you just start out on your adventures into theatreland. For others, it is a cog that fits into a well-oiled design machine.

Whatever stage you’re at, we are really keen to open up the conversation around CAD. We want to talk about the different approaches and philosophies of CAD and 3D modelling and why it is more than just a tool for 2D drawing.

Join us for a blog series discussing various programmes and their attributes. We will have guest contributors from people who really love SketchUp, Vectorworks, AutoCAD, Rhino and many more. We want to find out more than just the mechanics and the pricelist… Why do some practitioners love it so much?! What can it do for our practice holistically as well as practically? We hope to provide you with a spectrum of information so that you can make an informed decision about which software might be right for you and find out what you’re doing with it.

But that’s not all…

We are INCREDIBLY excited to announce a special Vectorworks online training programme for SBTD members. This is an opportunity for ANYONE! Be you an established designer who is a dab hand with pencil and paper or in the early stages of your career who is still figuring it all out, we don’t mind! Trust us, this will be really fun. (I promise it really will be) here’s the scoop:

  • Sign up for just £30 to 4x three-hour training sessions on Vectorworks for Theatre Designers, run by Tom White, Vectorworks Industry Specialist and Training Consultant. Covering the basics in 2d, all the way through rendering and 3d animations. There are 14 places available for any SBTD member.
  • You will be able to access a free trial of Vectorworks for 90 days (as opposed to the regular 30 days trial), If you like it, you can now take advantage of the new Monthly license, so you can pay for it when you use it in monthly chunks (£147.60 inc. VAT). (Details to follow).
  • Join David Farley, Katie Scott & Fridthjofur Thorsteinsson for a series of informal Q&A/Surgeries in between the training sessions to catch-up, ask questions about specific problems and look at some tips and tricks.

How good is that?! Not only do you get specialist training to give you a taste of the software, but you also get the three of us on a Sunday evening to answer any burning questions! David, Fridthjofur and I are at varying stages of our Vectorworks journeys (me being a total newbie) so there will be no question too big or too small! We’ve got you covered. 

So, members, check your e-mail for details of how to sign up for this offer and non-members – come and join us!

But no matter what, don’t forget to look out for the blog series, (you can sign up below to get it delivered straight to your inbox) and may this be the start of your love affair with CAD.

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